I met so many parents and got to understand first hand, what parents, who are so new in the parenting journey, were wanting to understand and learn about before investing for their next chapter.
There were actually a lot of common questions that came up that I think would help a lot of you out there, because no matter where you are in the world – first time parenting jitters is definitely something that is universally felt 😊
Here were the top 5 commons questions asked in the Mountain Buggy® world ♥
# 1 First-Time parent, WHAT DO I NEED?
The truth is, the list of baby essentials can seem endless (and to be honest, it is endless!). However first things first, you’ll definitely NEED a reliable and sturdy pram AND a reliable infant car seat. You will need a pram to get to and from places, and you need an infant car seat from the get-go to leave the hospital after birth (this is the requirement in New Zealand). Car seats for newborns usually come in two options. The infant car seat capsule or a convertible car seat. A lot of parents were confused that a convertible car seat was not a capsule, therefore was not legitimate for their newborn. They are both newborn ready and can be installed into your car to take your baby home safely.
#2 What is the difference between an infant capsule and a convertible car seat?
Understanding the difference between an infant capsule and a convertible car seat is important and may help in knowing which one to purchase from the start (saving you some money!), as one of them brings ease in using with the stroller, while the other delivers longevity. Either one will ensure your baby’s safety during car travel. The main differences between the two is that the infant capsule is portable, while the convertible car seat stays in your car.
Infant capsules: Also known as an infant car seat, these are designed specifically for newborns and younger babies. They typically feature a carry handle and can be removed from the car allowing you to use it as a ‘travel system’ on your pram; all you need are car seat adaptors to click the seat onto your pram. This allows you to have the freedom to maintain a busy lifestyle and the convenience to move your little one from pram to car without disturbing their precious resting time. With Mountain Buggy® car seats (available in NZ and UK), we hold the new safety standard, R129 or i-Size, which promotes rear facing for longer, so your baby will usually outgrow our protect™ capsule once they reach the height of 87cm.
Convertible car seat: These versatile seats are designed to accommodate the rear-facing position for infants, and then cleverly convert into forward-facing with higher height limits compared to capsules which allows for these additional years of use. These are not meant to be taken in and out of the car like a capsule, and the cannot connect to your buggy. Here at Mountain Buggy®, we have both capsule and convertible options. protect™ is our infant car seat, holding the newest and highest safety standard in the world (R129); offering rear facing for longer. safe rotate™ is our convertible car seat that also has the safety standard R129, and has a super cool feature where it can swivel 360°, ensuring for easier access to move your little one in and out of the car – so great for mothers who have just given birth or healing after a C-section.
#3 How do I know what pram is best suited for me?
Well, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and lifestyle. You will have to consider various factors such as your lifestyle, terrain you’ll be navigating, storage space and budget. Here are a couple of questions that may help you funnel down what pram would be best for you...
- Will you primarily be strolling in urban areas and really gliding across more cityscapes?
- Do you need a pram that can handle rough terrain like gravel paths or parks or mountain trails?
- Do you need a lightweight and compact pram that’s easy to fold and lift quickly, especially if you'll be travelling often?
- What size car boot do I have?
- Do I want 3-wheel nimble manoeuvrability OR do I want 4-wheel sleek look for a more urban vibe?
You will also often be faced with many other questions no doubt, and really, I can't stress enough that it comes down to how you see yourself using this stroller daily. Remember, it's not about what your friend has or what the influencer you follow uses - it's important to remind yourself that what they use may not suit how you want to roll day-to-day.
#4 What is the difference between a 3-wheeled pram and a 4 wheeled pram?
Whether you’re looking at a 3 OR 4 wheel buggy, they're all designed for different lifestyles so it's important that you do YOU, and make the best decision for YOUR lifestyle – a pram is a BIG investment, so thinking long term now with yourself in mind, ensures a well-informed choice early, saving you on much needed funds.
3-wheeled prams: These tend to provide the best in manoeuvrability and performance when going on and off road. Its perfect geometry, engineering and weight distribution with the fabric sling seats, also allows this style to turn on a dime – extremely effortless and light in handling.
It's important to note that all 3-wheel Mountain Buggies pass the same rigorous global stability standards and tests as 4-wheel buggies.
4-wheeled prams: While they will push differently from a 3-wheeler, due to these types of prams having a modular seat unit that sits on top of the pram frame (fabric sling seats tend to sit inside the frame), they work extremely well in a more urban setting, especially if they have 360° front swivel wheels, so you can nimbly manoeuvre through busy streets or in stores. 4-wheel prams also tend to look a bit more refined, much like a tailored suit 😎
It's all about finding what works best for you and your little one. Below is an image of some our Mountain Buggy® prams with both 3 wheels and 4 wheels!
For more information and FAQ's that have come through, head to our pages here:
celebrating 3 wheeled buggies | Mountain Buggy®
celebrating 4 wheeled buggies | Mountain Buggy®
#5 What can I add to the pram to make it newborn ready?
To make a pram suitable for newborns, consider these additions to add to your pram!
Bassinet attachments: Many prams offer a bassinet attachment that provides a lie-flat surface for newborns, ensuring proper support and a comfortable safe place for them to sleep.
Infant capsule compatibility: going back to travel systems, parents tend to choose their infant car seat at the same time as their pram, so be sure to do your research on compatibility so you can safely attach the capsule directly to the pram of choice.
It's worth me mentioning here that all Mountain Buggies have lie flat fabric sling seats, so they are newborn ready right out of the box. This is of incredible benefit for families who may be on a budget. However, we also do have an array of thoughtful newborn essentials that are perfect for your baby.
So there we go!
I hope that this helped you! Trust your instincts, lean on the knowledge of your friends, family and retailers around you. If you want to learn more about first time parenting, head to - Newborn baby essentials | Mountain Buggy®
Thanks to all amazing families who came to visit us last weekend – I loved meeting you, if you have more questions, please send me a comment below ❤
Happy parenting everyone ❤
Sunday x
Also, make sure to check out our BabyShow TikToks below!
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