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Matariki - a time for family and reflection

Matariki - a time for family and reflection

Matariki is more than just a date on the calendar – we come together to honour the past, and to embrace the future. It’s a reminder of what truly matters in life: our whānau, our heritage, and the love that binds us all.
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Kia Ora, everyone! This Friday in New Zealand, we are celebrating the indigenous day, Matariki. For those of you who might not know, Matariki is the Māori New Year, a special time in Aotearoa (New Zealand) that’s all about family, remembering those who have passed, and looking forward to the future. Being Tangata Whenua ("people of the land”) myself, it is also a time for me to think about my ancestors before me. It's a time that really warms my heart, and I’d love to tell you why. 🖤

matariki star cluster

What is Matariki?
Matariki is actually a cluster of stars, also known as the Pleiades, that rises in mid-winter. When these stars reappear in the night sky, it signals the Māori New Year. It's not just a pretty sight, though – it's a time rich in meaning and tradition. Matariki is an abbreviation of ‘Ngā Mata o te Ariki Tāwhirimātea’ (‘The eyes of the god Tāwhirimātea). Traditionally, Matariki was a time to acknowledge the dead and to release their spirits to become stars. It was also a time to reflect, to be thankful for the gods, to feast and share the bounty of the harvest with family and friends.

Family and Whānau
For me, the heart of Matariki is whānau (family). It’s a time when we all come together, whether we're near or far. We gather around the dinner table and share stories! There's nothing quite like the feeling of having everyone together. No celebration would be complete without a feast, and Matariki is no exception! We cook up a storm with all our favourite kai (food).

Remembering Our Loved Ones
One of the most touching aspects of Matariki is remembering those who have passed on. We take a moment to reflect on their lives and the legacy they've left behind. It’s not a sad occasion, though. Instead, it’s a time to celebrate their memories and keep their spirits alive through stories and songs.

Looking to the Future
While Matariki is about reflection, it's also about looking forward - to new beginnings, setting goals, and making plans for the future. As a family, we talk about our hopes and dreams for the coming year. We encourage the little ones to share what they want to achieve, whether it's learning to ride a bike or starting a new hobby. It’s wonderful to see their eyes light up with excitement and to know that we’re all supporting each other.

Traditions Old and New
One of the things I love most about Matariki is how it blends old traditions with new ones. We keep the ancient customs alive, like star-gazing and singing waiata (songs), but we also create our own family traditions. Whether it’s going on a hike together, or just spending a cozy evening watching movies, these moments become cherished memories.

Matariki is more than just a date on the calendar – we come together to honour the past, and to embrace the future. It’s a reminder of what truly matters in life: our whānau, our heritage, and the love that binds us all. So, if you haven't celebrated Matariki before, give it a try this year. Gather your loved ones, look up at the stars, and let the magic of Matariki fill your hearts and homes.

Ngā mihi, everyone! Enjoy this special time, and may your Matariki be filled with love, laughter, and endless blessings.

Aroha nui,

Nanny Sunday x

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